This graphic links to the quotation form. This graphic links to the project form.

These tools can help you format documents, hyphenate correctly in any language, uncover what languages are spoken in a target market, improve the readability of a source English document, understand the current ASTM translation standards, and find web sites as they appeared in the past.

Format Painter

Format Painter is the unsung hero of Microsoft Word. Use it to speed the formatting of your documents.


Find the proper place to hyphenate non-English words—instantly.

Language Maps

The Modern Language Association presents U.S. Census data that contains a wealth of information about 29 specific languages spoken within the United States as well as several other categories of languages. You can review the data in either tabular or graphical format by state and by county. This site is extremely useful for any business or organization that would like to target non-English speakers in American markets.

Readability Score

Creating readable source text is the first step to a good translation. Using several well-established readability formulas, this tool helps you modify your text so it can be better understood by your target audience.

Standard Guide for Quality Assurance in Translation

This standard for translation, published by the one of the world’s most trusted sources for technical standards for materials, products, systems, and services, is required reading for anyone involved in the purchasing and management of translation services.

Wayback Machine

Supported by The Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that was founded in 1996 to build an Internet library that offers permanent access for researchers, historians, scholars, people with disabilities, and the general public to historical collections that exist in digital format. Find text that has “disappeared from the web” in this site’s 400 billion+ archived web pages.

Who's Really Visiting Your Website?

Originally published in the American Translators Association publication The Chronicle, this article analyzes the visitors to Inline's website. It turns out that the people looking at your website aren't who you think. They may not even be people at all.


What You Need to Know, but
May Not Know You Need

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