Inline Translation Services, Inc. has developed this seven-step project management process in the course of a quarter century of translation work.
Inline’s experienced project managers and managing director work with you to develop precise project specifications, including formatting requirements, types of files needed, and deadlines.
We ask you to identify the target markets of the translation, such as Spanish for the domestic U.S. market (including regions within the United States), Spanish for Mexico, Spanish for South America, and so forth.
We review all source text provided to your Inline project manager for translation. We then identify problematic source text (and, in some cases, missing text) and new terminology. We then work with you to resolve these issues.
We encourage you to furnish any glossaries that may have been developed during previous translations. Inline also examines existing translations and develops preliminary glossaries for future work. Also, we work with you to identify online sources that contain translated materials that you believe will be helpful to guide future works.
Inline uses translators with certifications from the American Translators Association, the U.S. Federal Court System, and appropriate state courts. We also attend international translation conferences in order to recruit leaders in the industry. Several Inline translators have written specialized dictionaries; others have served as interpreters for world leaders, including several Presidents and heads of state.
Based on the feedback of our professional editors and project managers, plus the input of our clients, Inline has developed an international network of translators who demonstrate cultural sensitivity and produce translations that are both appropriate for and readable by the target audience.
All Inline translations are edited by a second professional. As recommended by the ASTM International Standard Guide for Quality Assurance in Translation (F2575–14), we follow a two-step editing process.
First, the editor compares the target text to the source text and confirms that the target text is complete, accurate, and free from misinterpretations of the original source text and that appropriate terminology has been used throughout. Second, the editor reads the target text in its entirety, checking for overall coherence, readability and cultural sensitivity, referring back to the source text when necessary.
This task varies from project to project and ranges from unformatted text in Word to fully formatted text in page layout software such as InDesign. In all cases, we strongly recommend that you allow Inline to proofread the final, camera-ready copy to detect and eliminate any errors that can occur during page layout process.
Inline encourages you to review translations (preferably prior to page layout). We have developed review guidelines to expedite this process and to reduce the number of review iterations needed to finish your project.
Inline incorporates your reviewers’ changes that will improve the translation and discusses any changes which introduce errors or which might degrade the quality of the translation.